Sunday, October 24, 2010

Union wars y futbol

I think I had mentioned in my last post about someone getting killed. There always seems to be worker strikes going on. Most recently there was a very large union strike. One person was killed and two others injured. There is confusion as to what is really happening. I heard that there are two union groups and one of them is some type of gang. Well the boys family and friends were pist so there was a massive march in memory of him.

The headline in La Nacion periodico read, ¨Una marcha cargada de emocion y dramatismo.¨ And on the inside, ¨Investigan a la policia por su actuacion en el choque gremial.¨ It was an emotional march and their investigating the charge of the criminal. It was held on avenida de corrientes where the hostels on but several blocks away, they did shut down the street, it was strange to not hear cars. When I got back to the hostel there was a really ugly looking woman talking on the TV, little did I know that was la Presidenta, Cristina Kirchner.

another story....


At first I couldn´t understand where the hoarse screams were coming from or what they mean´t. Then my classmate yelled, ¨gggoooooooooooalll!!!!¨ I always knew that futbol was popular in south america but I had no idea how much until I got here. It´s engrained in the culture, it´s in very young child playing futbol with their amigos 11pm at night. It´s on every television in the cafes and bars, it´s in the eyes of all. Just today when I was enjoying a cup of cafe someone scored a goal and all of the cafe workers went insane. I have to say, I´m impressed and I´m becoming a big fan. Oh yeah, I never explained where the screaming was coming from. I was walking down the street and the screams were coming from an apartment. Todo bien. All good.

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