I imagine this is what my pasayo looks like. I don´t see him during the day but I know he´s following me around, collecting mate gourds of new information. After a long day of trying to encrypt español, I climb into bed in hopes of dreaming of heladerias (ice cream shops) and medialunas con dulce de leche (halfmoon croissants with a popular caramelized sugar). I happen to be enjoying this right now with cafe con leche (coffee and milk). Back to the story. This is not what I dream of. The Pasayo makes sure of that. Remember the mate gourds filled to the brim with information? He taks those, lets say, four at a time, and tries to juggle them. This is no talented pasayo, he´s clumsy and sends mate flying. It pours and pours out so fast that this i what I hear at night.
si si si si ecribe si si si lavanderia si no ¿que? si si si si si......
My pasayo never sleeps but I know that overtime his juggling will get better.
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