Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tiempo para viajar

I can´t believe I´ve been here for a month. It´s official, I obtained my certificate for spanish level one! I can ask for directions, buy food, try on clothing, and make very small talk. As I improve my spanish, my english gets worse.

We are here during an interesting time. The ex president Kirchner has passed, therefore several stores are closed. They also had a national census day so everything was closed. We bought tickets in advance to see a show and it was cancelled. We rescheduled it for sunday evening. Not really sure what it is but supposedly strange and worth seeing. A couple nights ago I went to a parilla won´t believe this, I ate rare steak with vino tinto. It was ¡Que Bueno! Later on that evening we went to one of the older Tango places in Bs As. The building is very antigua, old and facinating with art everywhere and the music was fabulous.

I leave the city monday to travel. We are taking a bus to Iguazu Falls, staying there for four full days. Besides checking out the area we are going on a bird tour. After this we come back to Bs As for 9 hours then take a bus to Puerto Madryn. Not really sure what we are doing here but by the end of November I will be in....Bariloche. Whew! I have plenty of studying to do identifying plants and animals, plus learning their spanish names. I will be doing two species account, one on th endangered Geoffry´s Cat and the other on Austrocedrus chilensis (cedar tree). This morning I went on a bird walk with my classmates at the Wildlife Refuge that is on the Rio de la Plata. I´ve also been to th Museum of Science which was pretty amazing. I ALSO went to what i believe to be the largest book store in Argentina. It was previously a theatre turned into a book store.

Times up, gotta go. Will be in touch. ¡Que desfrutes!


  1. Wow, what an amazing adventure. It's so cool that you are learning Spanish so quickly. I'm SO glad you are blogging about this.
