"Are you ADHD?" Peter Treeman Jenkin's asks me. He asks because he thought most tree climber's were. My reply was, no, I really don't think so. But how would I know? What is ADHD? I picture kids with tons of energy running around crazily, unable to focus on one task. So I took a test and would you believe it, I scored a moderate level of adhd. Granted some of the questions were vague but they were questions based on behavioural characteristics and a few of them hit home. A few observations such as, "Concentrates better when moving or fidgeting, has increased anxiety or nervousness, is restless or in constant motion, is always on the "go." On the go.......HMMMM that sounds familiar!
I'm on the go, go, go, all the time, time, time! I just got back from Argentina, now I'm in Atlanta, Georgia and people ask me, what's next? I usually think I'm going to do some sort of silly non-realistic "relaxing" but the last time I said that, look where it brought me.
Tree Man |
Either way, there's nowhere else I'd rather be than here in Georgia dangling from a, I believe Peter said, a Southern Sugar Maple Tree. In the first part of the morning we practiced the Double Rope Technique (DRT) which is a series of several knots. Then I practiced some line throwing and in the afternoon I was shimmying my way up into the tree. The tree is on their property in front of the house where guests can stay for the low price of $45 a night.
I'm pretty tired now and need to get to bed. I can only imagine tomorrow my muscles will be sore and my head already hurts a little from all the information I'm soaking in. When I got into the tree I set up two more pitches, a way to progress further up into the tree. I then set up a downward pitch to get out of the tree. Peter had me learn these methods because I will be climbing taller trees than the maple and have to learn how to work with the different pitches. Peter designs his program based around an individuals needs. Very patient, helpful, and funny, Peter is a better instructor (and person at that) than I ever imagined. His wife Patty does a lot of the behind the scenes work and is also a genuinely good person with a passion for the outdoors.
I have another full day tomorrow and will be joining Peter afterwards to a residential home to inspect hazardous trees. This will be after climbing all day for eight hours. Lovin' it! Stay posted mis amigos!